Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) Ultrasound (Upper/Lower Limbs)
Our primary mission as Circulation Specialists is to help you achieve the healthiest circulation possible for your stage in life.
Whatever your lifestyle, genetic predisposition or individual health aspirations – Your Circulation is your Lifeline.
A duplex ultrasound scan to check for thrombosis (clot formation) causing an acute or chronic blockage of the arm / leg veins.
Utilizing compression techniques and doppler function, this allows an accurate assessment and localization of blood clots in the deep veins (deep venous thrombosis) and superficial veins (superficial thrombophlebitis).
Report will include
- ARM (subclavian vein to wrist), LEG (IVC to ankle)
- Schematic diagram of venous structures
- Ageing, length and localisation of thrombus
- Venous-arterial flow index (VAFI)
What will happen during the examination?
You will be asked to change into a gown and lie down on an examination bed. Our vascular sonographer will assess the blood vessels in your arms or legs.
The scan will take up to 30 minutes for both arms and 30 minutes for each leg.